Recommended Wheel Care

  • Wheels should be cleaned by hand regularly to remove contaminants like road grime, salt, ice/snow melting chemical, dirt, and brake dust.
  • Automatic spray and touch free car washes do not completely remove contaminants, these can cause harm to the finish, hand washing is highly recommended.
  • Many areas use road salts and chemicals during the winter months that can cause adverse effects on your wheels, it is recommended to clean more frequently during this season. Failure to do so may greatly reduce the life of the product.
  • Avoid using automatic car washes, the cleaning agents and brushes used to clean tyres can damage the wheel surface.
  • Never wash your wheels when they are still hot from driving. Do not attempt to cool hot wheels with water, this may cause damage to the finish and can warp the brake rotors and/or drums.
  • For PVD and Chrome plated wheels, to clean apply a simple cleaning solution such as a mild dish soap and water, and then dry with a soft cloth. For chrome finish you can apply a coat of soft, non-abrasive cream wax or wheel seal to help prevent surface corrosion.